Shoshone Museum - The Little Museum with the Big Mammoth

The Little Museum with the Big Mammoth

Shoshone Museum - Mammoth

Museum Events

Author talks and bird walks, mining tall tales and geology deep dives, local history and desert mystery … whatever you like, we’ve likely got it!

We’re proud of our unique area and colorful history, and educating visitors is a big part of our mission. To that end, the Shoshone Museum hosts a variety of scheduled talks and events, running from autumn through spring (generally October to April). All events are live and in-person; regrettably, we aren’t able to record or stream our talks at this time.

Talks are always free – and donations are always appreciated!

Andy Zdon, Hydrologist and Hiker Extraordinaire

Shoshone Museum 118 Hiway 127, Shoshone, CA, United States

Springs of the Tecopa and Shoshone region! Where do they come from? How old are they? What's in my well? All these and more of your questions will be answered!
